In oil & gas you need the right size pipe. Luckily, Tango has premium pipe on the ground ready for action.

Tango stocks a large range of slim hole drilling tubulars and workstrings for coal seam gas projects.

All our equipment comes complete with inspection reports. All our drill pipe is inspected to premium.

Our range includes
• 3.5 inch and 4 inch drill pipe
• 3.5 inch, 4 inch and 4.5 inch heavy weight drill pipe
• 4.75 inch drill collars – both slick and spiral
• 6.25 inch spiral drill collars

Tango can also provide you with:
• A full range of handling tools, subs, and floor valves to support our range of tubular sizes
• Fishing tools to support our range of tubular sizes
• Pipe bins for transporting our pipe

Call us on 1300 082 646 or send us an email: